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Optimize Your Demo Equipment Logistics to Close Sales

Equipment demos and evaluations are the most effective and important sales tools for many manufacturers. So when a demo fails due to untimely equipment delivery or improper setup, it can be disastrous and potentially mean the loss of a sale or contract.

To create a successful demo program, manufacturers should align themselves with a demo logistics partner who can manage the demo move process by:

  • Scheduling the pickup, delivery and equipment install before a demo
  • Making sure demo units are delivered on time
  • Clearing packaging or crates before the demo
  • Ensuring they’re set up to working condition before each demo
  • Returning with the demo crate and packing up the equipment after the demo
  • Transporting it back to the demo hub
  • Cleaning and maintaining the equipment, keeping it in pristine condition
  • Preparing units for the next demo

At TechTrans, one of the first things we do is help a new demo partner evaluate their current demo inventory, look at their historic demo or event data, and then determine how to optimize their process.

This process helps manufacturers right-size their demo inventory by making efficient use of our demo hub network to place equipment in markets where it’s needed and optimizing the use of each piece of equipment. By creating these efficiencies, manufacturers can reduce the amount of capital expenditure on equipment needed for their demo program.

We also ensure our delivery and install teams are trained on a manufacturer’s specific equipment. This means the manufacturer’s salespeople no longer have to worry about the technical details of the demo, such as loading/unloading, unpacking crates, moving equipment to the demo location, or getting the equipment online. This frees them up to do the job they are hired to do: sell to the customer.

Also having a demo partner that has software solutions specific to the needs of a demo program is critical. TechTrans’ real-time dashboard shows GPS location data of all crates and instruments and tracks how long they’ve been at a particular site. Such software can also be used to help track utilization such as how long each unit has been used in the field, the number of demos/events a unit has been assigned to, and even the effectiveness of each salesperson in the number of demos held and closing sales.

It all works together to ensure an efficient and effective demo move program so your sales team, and your products, can shine.

If you’d like to learn more about demo move programs, we invite you to watch the video above or contact us today.

Beyond White Glove Delivery: The Need for a Single-Source Logistics Partner

Over the past several years there has been an evolution of the required services that capital equipment manufacturers, and the supply chain marketplace in general, want from logistics providers. Several big events such as COVID and the resulting supply chain crises have reshaped expectations and created a new normal across the industry.

However, based on what we can indeed see through these murky times, we can note several trends that companies should consider as they begin the new year.

What was normally considered white glove delivery included:

  • A team of multiple workers
  • A lift gate truck
  • Taking the product out of the package or out of its crate
  • Setting it in place and hauling away debris

That’s what a typical white glove service required previously. Today, since logistics partners are already scheduled to be on-premise, manufacturers are asking for more such as the performance of additional basic assembly functions, including:

  • Connecting and attaching of the accessories
  • Simple verification steps, like testing the range of motion of a table
  • Being able to confirm that once the unit is powered, specific-colored lights turn on
  • And more

These are basic activities that, without the right single-source partner, the manufacturer would have to handle themselves or hire another technical resource. Worse, they might even ask their end customer to perform those tasks, which isn’t ideal.

That’s why today’s manufacturers require a knowledgeable, turnkey partner who not only gets the product where it’s needed, on schedule, but can perform some of those technical value-added services at time of delivery. Such a partner should also have the capacity to coach and train its team of on-the-ground field service resources as needed, to ensure the equipment is operational and ready for use. This kind of enhanced service can be a big win for a manufacturer and its customers.

With such a single-source partner, the manufacturer suddenly has the ability to scale quickly and reduce the amount of administrative involvement and personnel investment they’d otherwise have to perform on their own. It also frees up sales teams from non-revenue building activities.

If you have need for a single resource to handle all your transportation, logistics and field service needs, contact us today to learn more.