A Specialized Delivery for Virtual Reality
The Challenge:
A mall-based arcade featuring motor-sport themed games contracted with TechTrans to deliver and install a 4,000-pound NASCAR Virtual Reality Driving Simulator. The equipment had to be placed in the store located on the second floor of Peabody Place, a new shopping center created inside an historic building in downtown Memphis, Tenn. The installation of the simulator and its 2,000-pound base had to occur after hours so as not to disrupt the other businesses in the shopping center. Furthermore, the shopping center management required TechTrans to exercise great care so as not to damage the newly remodeled building.
The Approach:
TechTrans scheduled the installation after midnight when Peabody Place was closed and people and cars were off the typically busy downtown streets. Police closed streets around the building so a flat bed truck holding the simulator, as well as a large crane to lift it, could be parked outside the building.
Crews took the entrance doors to the shopping center off their hinges and removed the door facings so the simulator and moving equipment, including the crane and a six-wheeled forklift, could fit inside the building.
TechTrans took special precautions to protect the building and its tenants, including covering the brand new ceramic tile floors and using powerful fans to remove diesel fumes emitted by the crane.
The Result:
TechTrans successfully installed the NASCAR simulator inside arcade and without damage the historic building or to other tenants. TechTrans accomplished the installation and clean-up well within the narrow time frame allotted, so disruptions to traffic downtown and interference with shoppers at the mall was minimal.