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Providing Essential Services During These Unique Times

By Len Batcha,


Technical Transportation, Inc

The coronavirus, or COVID-19, has been one of the biggest disruptors the world has seen in some time. Just weeks ago, the U.S. economy was running full steam ahead, and as of this writing, we’re virtually shut down. It’s an unprecedented situation, albeit a temporary one, but it still hurts.

For the logistics industry, though, this creates an opportunity for companies to shine excel during this dark hour. As an essential business sector, defined by the Department of Homeland Security, we’re charged with keeping the supply chain running for other vital sectors, including the healthcare and food industries.

That means that we keep working. Not just for ourselves and for our employment, but by knowing there is something bigger at stake: the lives of the most vulnerable. Being an essential business means our industry is in a position to serve a higher purpose for our fellow man in this time of need and uncertainty.

Whether it’s sending critical healthcare supplies such as beds, ventilators, testing equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE) to the hardest-hit areas, or by making sure each grocery store in each community is well-stocked to serve its local citizens, we are called on as an industry to meet these unique and timely challenges with prudence and with courage.

We are fully operational at TechTrans, and we’re helping companies in other essential business sectors respond to their urgent needs. Our internal COVID-19 Task Team is ensuring that our entire network is following CDC recommendations to reduce the chances of spreading this contagious virus at our carrier locations, our customers’ locations, and your customers’ locations.

We certainly look forward to the day this crisis has passed — and it will pass — so we can get back to more normal business activities and purpose.

But in the meantime, we’re here to help you. And we’ll do it in a way that is safe for you, your customers, our employees and our collective families.

Together, we’ll get through this. As an industry, and as a nation.


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